Students will employ the skills of a Cultural Psychologist, with a goal of learning as much as possible about implicit culture and how experiences with intersectionality influence identity by conducting an Ethnographic Interview and analyzing their findings. Select a participant and conduct an interview with this participant using questions from your ethnographic proposal. Write a qualitative research paper with the following components of your study:
Describe and introduce the topic you are studying. State why it is important to study. State the research questions you sought to investigate in your study.
Review literature specific to topics of your study and literature related to the specific culture. State if you cannot. Discuss gaps in the literature that you are seeking to fill with this study. Briefly introduce your present study.
Describe where the interview took place, how long it took, and whether it was structured or semi-structured. Include a brief synopsis of topics covered in the interview, which would be a short summary of the interview questions you asked.