A summary of the themes of the chapters of “Trauma, Meaning, and Spirituality” that we read and discussed in class, specifically the Reciprocal Meaning Making Model. The summary should be a paragraph or two.
Part Two: The rest of the reflection paper is the application of the content of the chapters/Model. This section of the reflection is the student’s opportunity to explore:how the chapters and discussions promoted the student to think about faith/spirituality possible issues related to counter- transference and challenges that might be faced how the material is relevant to social work practice.
This is the student’s opportunity to have a safe non-judgmental place to reflect on their implicit biases, existential fears, and deep questions of faith, society, and spirituality. This is an objective opportunity for the student to gain a sense of self by confronting implicit biases, stereotypes, and cognition. Make sure to use critical thinking in that you show your perspective as well as where there may be errors in your way of thinking. What are alternatives to your perspective as well?