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International Business Relations between Huawei and India

International Business Between Huawei and India

Discuss the relationship that Huawei a Chinese multinational technology company that provides telecommunications equipment and sells consumer electronics, has to the nation of India. Discuss the international business issues. Issues of political, military, cultural and other subjects of that nature that relate to international business with the two nations and the company of Huawei. Discuss how the companies do business and the politics involved such as the potential ban India may impose on Huawei products due to the accusations of spying, and how China has threatened to retaliate. Discuss how the decision to ban or not could hurt or help how the two countries do business in the future. Explanation of the ban can be found at https://www.reuters.com/article/us-huawei-india-exclusive-idUSKCN1UW1FF
Discuss other topics that relate to international business with the two countries with the company Huawei

The 15 page paper must be typed with a 1” margin on all sides, 5-space indentation, font 12 Times Roman, double-spaced. The paper will include a cover page, a 150-200 word abstract page, introduction, the body of the paper, conclusions, and references on a reference page. The paper should include at least six academic references. It must comply with APA rules.

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