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Summarize your findings, draw a conclusion and include a brief statement to answer the question, “what have I learned about my topic that relates to people, places, and environment?

Climate Change’s effects on the world’s oceans

The essay should be double spaced and must comprise between 5 and 7 pages of substantive text, including the focus, research and analysis, and conclusion. Use the following outline as a guide as you structure your essay and make sure you list each of these subdivisions.

Consists of the title, your name, the course name and section, and the date of submission. Nothing else.
Focus of Essay – A brief statement that summarizes the subject of the essay and why it has been chosen.
Research and Analysis – The main discussion that incorporates sources and materials used and your perspective on the topic. In total there should be at least 5 sources cited. These can include a reading that we have had in class, academic journal articles, book selections or excerpts that we have not had in class, news articles or stories, or a personal interview.
Summarize your findings, draw a conclusion and include a brief statement to answer the question, “what have I learned about my topic that relates to people, places, and environment?”
Bibliography – All references consulted should be appropriately cited and listed. Include your citations for electronic sources and give the date you accessed the information. Make sure you have a subject or title rather than just a Web address.

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