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Strengths and Weaknesses of Career Development Interventions

Strengths and Weaknesses of Career Development Interventions

Introduction 50 words about career development interventions

Please write 5 different Interventions separate (5 paragraphs) and you have to write in details, And for each Strengths ad Weakness you should start like, the first strengths, the second.. so I can know where is each point

  • Intervention one : define and explain
  • 4 Strengths with little explanation
  • 4 Weakness with little explanation


  • Intervention one : define and explain
  • 4 Strengths with little explanation
  • 4 Weakness with little explanation


  • Intervention one : define and explain
  • 4 Strengths with little explanation
  • 4 Weakness with little explanation


  • Intervention one : define and explain
  • 4 Strengths with little explanation
  • 4 Weakness with little explanation


  • Intervention one : define and explain
  • 4 Strengths with little explanation
  • 4 Weakness with little explanation

Conclusion/ summary for 50 words

There are 9 websites below, You should choose any 5 different websites and use each one for the intervention,

Intervention one (different website) Intervention one (different website) Intervention one (different website 3) Intervention one (different website) Intervention one (different website)

For the Strengths and Weakness if you did not find useful information from these websites,  you can use other website but it should be online sources (from google) please do not use book – only online articles  











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