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Goal Statement: Describe your path into nursing as you see it, and articulate your understanding of and commitment to nursing, the advanced practice role, and your chosen specialty.



Goal Statement
Your goal statement is a critically important part of your application. It should be approximately two double-spaced typewritten pages in length, and should include the following information:
Your understanding of the nursing profession
Reasons for seeking advanced specialty preparation as part of a nursing program
Reasons for choosing the specific specialty area you seek
What you believe your previous academic and life experience will bring to the nursing profession
Your goals upon completion of the program
Any additional information you believe relevant to the admissions decision.
Please be as clear and precise as possible, and include your name at the top.
Use your word processing software to compose and edit your goal statement. Then, convert your document to Adobe/Acrobat PDF format.
Be sure you complete and upload your goal statement PDF well before the deadline. It is risky to wait until the last days before the deadline. Only complete applications (including goal statements) will be reviewed for admission.
Use the [Browse] button below to select the PDF from your hard drive and then use the Submit/Upload button to transfer the document to our UCSF servers.

What are you looking for in my goal statement?
We would like to see you describe your path into nursing as you see it, and articulate your understanding of and commitment to nursing, the advanced practice role, and your chosen specialty. Please remember your goal statement should be no more than two pages, double-spaced.

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