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Leadership: How the role and nature of the organization affected the leadership approach.

Assignment Outline

Your Assignment should be 2,500 words in length (10% allowance), appropriately referenced using the Harvard Reference Style. This assignment is split into two parts:
My organization
Primary Health Care – Part of ministry of health – government sector
Middle East – strong influence of local government policy on fast and immediate treatment of locals. Free medication to locals and favoritism locals on non-locals on services which are impacting leadership influence on teams performance negatively in many cases and impacting patients (not nationals treatment and services).
Areas to cover
Leadership definition
Power, Influence and Negotiation
Leadership approaches
Organization and leadership
Leadership and Emotional Intelligence
Culture, Gender and Leadership
Leading a Team and people management and leadership assessment tests
Ethics and leadership (medical)
Section 1: (approx. 1250 Words)
This first is a reflective activity which requires you to critically examine a leadership scenario (single critical incident, dilemma or challenge which you have identified and reflected on throughout your career journey). During this reflection you are required to consider:
How the role and nature of the organization affected the leadership approach.
What knowledge, skills and behaviors were required.
How the response could have been improved.
Section 2: (approx. 1250 Words)
In the second part, you are required to develop a 12-month personal development plan considering the development of your leadership skill set.
Throughout, you may wish to draw from:
The outcomes of your reflection in part one.
The results of a leadership assessment/ diagnostic tool.
Professional diary or journal.
Professional guidelines.
The plan should be realistic and implementable, with suitable associated timelines.The plan should identify how you will initiate, work toward and sustain improvements in your leadership skillset.
Reflective cycles can and must be ideally be used to structure the assignment. Contemporary literature should also be drawn to evidence your arguments.
Your assignment is linked to the following learning outcome:
Analyze critical incidents to judge organizational leadership performance.
Understand how the role and nature of the organization affects the leadership knowledge, skills and behavior needed by senior managers.
Formulate personal development objectives based on the outcomes of assessment and diagnostic tools.
Design and implement a plan to develop leadership behavior.
Departmental guidelines on preparation and submission of coursework
Your work should be correctly referenced using the Harvard Referencing style.
2. Barr, J, & Dowding, L 2008, Leadership in Health Care, SAGE Publications, London. Available from: ProQuest eBook Central.
3. https://hbr.org/video/4865860484001/what-leadership-requires-according-to-global-leaders
4. https://hbr.org/2018/09/lincoln-and-the-art-of-transformative-leadership
5. Global Leadership & Organizational Behavior Effectiveness
6. Hofstede Insights. (n.d.) The 6 dimensions of national culture.

National Culture

7. Clawson, J. (2014) 11 key characteristics of a global business leader. University of Virginia
8. Appraisals in healthcare: are traditional performance appraisals suitable for healthcare workers? HealthManagement.org 17(3): 218-20.
9. The Reflective Practitioner: Reaching for Excellence in Practice

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