Jessie was a typical 2-year-old who liked to try and spread his wings. He would run and fall throughout the house. On several occasions, with minor falls, a bruise would develop on his legs or arms. Jessie’s parent would often worry about being reported for child abuse because of the easy bruising that Jessie experienced.
An hour after the blood draw, the physician returned to the ER room to discuss the test results. Jessie’s PT results were normal but his PTT results were abnormal with an extended clotting time. The PTT clotting time was much longer than normal indicating the Jessie may lack of or decreased levels of a clotting factor.
Provide a scholarly resource in APA format to support your answers.
Discuss which clotting factors the PT and PTT test evaluate and whether each test measures the intrinsic or the extrinsic pathways.
Describe the common coagulation pathway.
Based on Jessie’s test, which factor deficiency do you believe he has and why?
Jessie’s clotting factor disease is seen more often in males. Please explain why.
If both the PT and the PTT tests were abnormally long, which part of the coagulation pathway would be affected?