Stage 1: Policy Briefing
Evidence-based policy briefs (or “evidence briefs for policy) bring together global research evidence (from systematic reviews) and local evidence to inform deliberations (policy dialogues) about health policies and programmes.
Prepare a policy brief which summarises a specified policy* using the guidance framework provided
Guidance: The first stage focuses upon the development of a policy brief using a guided framework that begins with a title and description of a policy problem, then summarises the best available evidence to clarify the size and nature of the problem and finally describes the likely impacts of key recommendations for addressing the problem.
* The specified policy: Prevention is better than cure
Word count: This stage of the assignment needs to be presented in no more than 800 words, excluding figures, tables and references.
Stage 2: Critical Analysis
A variety of theories now exist to explain the policy process, which can also be affected by the political climate which may either help or hinder the consideration of a specific policy issue, with careful consideration given to deciding which stakeholder groups should be informed and engaged in the preparation and use of a policy brief.
Assignment Question: Prepare a critical analysis of the policy brief
Guidance: The second stage will discuss:
• the theories and models supporting the policy development process
• highlighting the impact of the political perspectives
• identifying the influence and involvement of relevant stakeholders potentially engaged within the process
• taking into account the health implications of decisions and considering the potential barriers to implementing the policy recommendations, with strategies for addressing these barriers.
Word count: This stage of the assignment needs to be presented in no more than 1700 words, excluding figures, tables and references.