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How did these subjects and themes differ from those favored by the Impressionists and Post Impressionists?

1. What were the principal subjects and themes of nineteenth-century Realists? 2. Were these shared by both writers and visual artists? 3. How did these subjects and themes differ from those favored by the Impressionists and Post Impressionists?

Does everyone win with the globalization of trade and finance? Discuss with reference to International financial institution (such as IMF, World Bank…) and trade agreements.

To end up with a well-written and well-argued essay, this way you can avoid from filler parts. Since you have a limited space, please use it wisely and prepare your response to directly address the question. You can use different examples and case studies to strengthen your argument, but these should directly speak to the […]

Explain why you have chosen the instrument to study and the composition to listen to. What have you learned about your instrument through focused listening to your music selection?

Chapter Five Assignment For this assignment, you may use NAXOS as a resource to support your research. 1. Select a musical instrument to explore through research. For example, if you select the guitar, conduct some research on the guitar as an instrument so that you can discuss its origin, age, and diversity of use. You […]

What concepts are celebrated or addressed by this art work? For the mask, who wore the mask in its ritual ceremony, and why? What specific traits of the work give us insight into the values of the people who created it, and what can we deduce about them?

Choose ONE of the prompts below to respond to for your original post. Each prompt can only be “used” or written about three times maximum among the class as a whole. Once a prompt has been written about by THREE different people, it’s used up, and you’ll have to choose a different prompt to write […]

Define pluralism and appropriation and discuss these concepts as underlying principles of Postmodernism. Discuss 2 artists whose work reflects these ideas.

Briefly describe each art movement and discuss in an art example. Neoclassicism Romanticism Realism Impressionism Post-impressionism Discuss the characteristics of Abstract Expressionism. How do color and brushwork function in this style? How was this style influenced by psychological theories concerning the subconscious mind? Why this style is sometimes referred to as action painting? Define pluralism […]

What do you interact with first upon entering the virtual gallery space? An art work? A text explaining the exhibition? What is the effect of that interaction?

Utilize an online art exhibition via the Google Arts & Culture Project. Explore an online art gallery or museum to view and analyze a specific exhibition (a collection of art works intentionally grouped together to explore a larger theme or issue). In your paper, include the name of the exhibition you are analyzing as well […]

Distinguish between the Paleolithic and Neolithic Periods in terms of time and cultural developments.Describe technical innovations introduced in art during the Renaissance. Briefly define each term and discuss in a specific artwork.

1. Distinguish between the Paleolithic and Neolithic Periods in terms of time and cultural developments. 2. Describe the way ancient Egyptian depictions of the human body express that culture’s concern for order and stability, using specific artworks as examples, and provide an example of the use of hierarchical scale. 3. Describe key cultural characteristics that […]

Was there a pivotal moment that made you follow your path as an artist.What themes do you pursue? And what themes do you want to pursue in the future?

Was there a pivotal moment that made you follow your path as an artist. What is the process of making your work? Describe your work in two words. What is your favorite art movement? What is your least favorite art movement? How has your process changed over time? What themes do you pursue? And what […]

Why is the theory of Developmentalism, which separates childhood from adulthood so appealing to art educators, teachers and adults in general?

ART 2648: Experience Art Reading Response #2  (6% of total grade) What does Paul Duncum means when he indicates that, “Nowadays children seem to be well ahead of their years.” What images of children and childhood does Duncum present us with? Why is Duncum claiming that educators of today experience emotional confusion and cognitive dissonance […]

Write the essay of a maximum 500 words, accordingly to your plan. In addition, cite and reference the given articles in Harvard style.

Brief: Task 1 : Read the provided articles, expressing the opinions of the two authors on a topic of the futuristic industries. Links to articles 1.The new water technologies that could save the planet What are the new and emerging technologies that will help business overcome the scarcity of clean, fresh water https://www.theguardian.com/sustainable-business/new-water-technologies-save-planet.   2 […]

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