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Present, analyze and interpret experimental data and clearly communicate your findings in writing.

Topic: practical portofolio biochemistry Description • Present, analyze and interpret experimental data and clearly communicate your findings in writing. • Demonstrate understanding of the molecular and cellular mechanisms involved in metabolic pathways through the relationship between biochemical and biotechnological systems

What would the solution pH be if all the sulphite were destroyed by the second reaction, and then allthe acetic acid that remained was destroyed by the first reaction?

1. The acid sulphite pulping process uses sulphurous acid, H2SO3, to attack the lignin that holds the wood fibres together. The fibres are then released and processed into paper products, and a hot solution containing acetic acid, sulphurous acid, and some larger organic molecules is generated as a waste. This waste solution is partially evaporated […]

Discuss the kill step in cheese making and, in this lab, and the role it plays. Here is where you can also discuss water activity, pH, and microbial growth.

Use some of the background information you found on cheese making from the Introduction here along with information in the results section and tie it all in together to have a good discussion. Make sure to discuss the necessary information behind making cheese and also in this case making No-rennet Ricotta cheese. And incorporate all […]

What is the most abundant isotope? What is the approximate relative abundance?Describe

1. Below is the mass spectronomy analysis of the relative abundance of Zirconium isotopes. Answer the following in complete sentences. a. What is the most abundant isotope? What is the approximate relative abundance? b. How many neutrons are in Zr-91? c. Zirconium -93 is a radioisotope which decays to Niobium-93. Describe what happens in the […]

Discuss the cause of fatigue with specific attention on how the repetitive high intensity contractions induce a depression in pH and elevate Pi.

During repetitive high intensity muscle contraction, a point will be reached in which the muscle is unable to continue generating the necessary force to maintain the desired work output. At this point we would consider the muscle to be fatigued. How does fatigue occur? In your answer, 1) describe how cross bridges are formed during […]

Write a brief summary (100 words) indicating the signal processing techniques that affect signal-to-noise ratio.

Description In regards to signal processing, read the journal article by Jonathan P. Blitz and Douglas G. Klarup, Signal-to-Noise Ratio, Signal Processing, and Spectral Information in the Instrumental Analysis Laboratory Article is attached in a pdf file Write a brief summary (100 words) indicating the signal processing techniques that affect signal-to-noise ratio.

Explain two ways you benefit from primary production in the ocean. Then, explain one way that you are negatively affected by primary production in the ocean.

1. (5 points) There are many examples/proof that global Climate Change is happening. Choose two of the 4 processes listed below and explain the evidence available as to how this process is relevant to global climate change. The evidence can be an explanation of how it is correlated to global Climate Change or you can statistics number, charts […]

What is carbon? What’s the difference between plants and animals when it comes to Carbon?Explain 

What is carbon? What’s the difference between plants and animals when it comes to Carbon? When Jim refers to “one of the key balancing acts of life on Earth”, what is he referring to? What are two examples of carbon-based fuel that we use to power industry? What happens to the excess carbon after carbon-based fuels are used? Why is […]

Briefly summarize of what was done in the experiment, what was observed and/or what you expected to find, and what, if any, problems were encountered.

Stoichiometry of a Precipitation Reaction Introduction and Background – Includes the reason the study is being done, relevant background information about the organism, chemical, or process being examined, and the hypothesis or questions being asked in the study. Briefly explain any specific and relevant theories and research (3 sources expected – see section 7) Briefly […]

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