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Describe the connection between the two readings and the documentary.

Marcuse (1964) Write a response to the chapter by Marcuse (1964), the essay by Gould (2014) and the documentary “The Men Who Made Us Spend.” (the Marcuse and Gold essays are in additional materials, and the script for the documentary is also there. If you can find it yourself, watch!) In Marcuse, focus primarily on […]

Discuss A 750 – 1000 word encyclopedia entry on a literary figure that meets the requirements outlined above.

Digital Encyclopedia Entry A 750 – 1000 word encyclopedia entry on a literary figure that meets the requirements outlined above. For more information on what encyclopedic writing is, consult this blog on encyclopedic writing. (https://writingtogetherbangor.wordpress.com/2016/03/10/writing-an-encyclopaedia-entry/). Your entry should review the 5Ws, and more specifically focus on: this individual’s primary accomplishments outlining the biographical background of […]

Discuss Strategic Corporate Communications Plan of around 3,000 words (+/- 10%) for your chosen organisation that responds to the strategic communications challenges identified in the earlier group Corporate Strategy.

Strategic Corporate Communications Plan Using the module material, the Individual Project requires the preparation of a written Strategic Corporate Communications Plan of around 3,000 words (+/- 10%) for your chosen organisation that responds to the strategic communications challenges identified in the earlier group Corporate Strategy Analysis presentations and discussions etc that reflect the current situation […]

Summarize the 1986 act needs to be updated to reflect the reality of global data and internal data exchange via the World Wide Web. Ethical Implication, Remedies and Solutions

World Wide Web Summarize the 1986 act needs to be updated to reflect the reality of global data and internal data exchange via the World Wide Web. Ethical Implication, Remedies and Solutions

Write 1-2 paragraphs that highlight your selection, why you chose it, and what opportunities you see for it.

Innovation Workshop Phase 1: Select a process, product, service, project, initiative, system, or another thing at your place of employment (or a community organization with which you work) that you feel is in need of innovative change. Write 1-2 paragraphs that highlight your selection, why you chose it, and what opportunities you see for it. […]

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