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Create 20 questions based on a main theme, including the answers, for example, Physical geography. Create 10 questions based on each of the other themes, including answers. For example 10 questions on Human geography and 10s questions on Natural Resources.

Canadian Geography Culminating Activity Design and build a board game related to Canadian Geography, focusing on one of these main themes of the course: Physical geography  Human geography Natural Resources Part A: The Board Game The game must be challenging, but not impossible. It must be suitable for four or more players and playable within […]

Describe the projected coordinate system you chose, and why. What is the name of the projection? What type of linear units does it use? What is the longitude of the central meridian? Does it use the equator as the latitude of origin?

Complete the chapter 3 tutorial (Price, exercises 1-39). Then do the following: Work with the geodatabase you created for New York State in Lab #2 1. Choose a projected coordinate system appropriate for New York State. You should use the appropriate UTM projection 2. Reproject the New York State feature classes you created in Lab […]

Examine each of the feature classes in the usdata geodatabase and decide which ones can be exported to your geodatabase using the table query or clipping.

Managing Data Complete the chapter 2 tutorial . Then follow these steps to create your own geodatabase: 1. Create a new project folder in your gisclass folder . Within it, create a new, empty file geodatabase for data relevant to New York state. 2. Examine each of the feature classes in the us data geodatabase […]

Discuss how the landscape in the region(s) described above have been shaped by the culture that gave rise to your topic, and how your topic might be reflected in that landscape..

Drinkable And Non-Drinkable Water In the body, you must address how the four geographic concepts mentioned in the presentation instructions  relate to your topic. A.Discuss the origin region or regions of your topic, with specific attention to the geographic qualities of the region that influenced the development of your topic. B. Discuss how the landscape […]

Describe how the GIS professional would apply the GIS Code of Ethics in the given scenario. To what extent is the code clear enough? How easily is it to follow the code?

This assignment topic will examine ethics for the GIS professional. Here’s what is expected. First, return to the readings on ethics applied to the GIS profession and the GIS Code of Ethics uploaded documents, page. 27-37. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Obermeyer2009.pdf, In addition, consider the readings for the Location Privacy topic, in particular page.500-510. Harvey2014.pdf. Then […]

Explain the political/financial/cultural barriers to the mitigation techniques or solutions and how these may be overcome .Explain how these impacts are being dealt with in this location at present and how these impacts could be mitigated or solved in the future.

Group Case Study – Research Paper & Presentation – Coastal Habitat Destruction • Choose our case study. – Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii. • Explain why this environmental problem is occurring in this region. • Describe the impacts of your chosen issue in your case study location . • Explain how these impacts are being dealt with […]

Develop each of the previewed main points in effective paragraphs with support from a variety of sources.Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. An originality report is provided when you submit your task that can […]

In what way do you think foreign domination and fragmentation contributed to Italy’s regionalism?

Answer the question below in a 250-350 word paper: In what way do you think foreign domination and fragmentation contributed to Italy’s regionalism? For this assignment, you should use 12pt. font, one-inch margins, and double-space your paper. If referencing the text either by paraphrasing or a direct quotation, use MLA citation guidelines. Paraphrasing or quoting […]

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