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Describe 3 of the ramifications of this process. In other words, how does this colonial legacy help us explain many of the conditions we see in the world today?

European colonization We inhabit a world that is a product of European colonization and the domination of non-European people, including the institution of slavery that gave way to massive forced and violent migration of people. Utilizing course readings and lectures, describe 3 of the ramifications of this process. In other words, how does this colonial […]

Identify chapters and identify, bold and define the relevant terms/concepts and explain how the article relates) to the course material.

In addition to the presentation, you will submit a typewritten, two page, double spaced (12-point font, 1 inch margins, .doc or .pdf file) paper that summarizes the article and its connections/relevance (be specific—identify chapters and identify, bold and define the relevant terms/concepts and explain how the article relates) to the course material. The paper should include the […]

What meaning does the material have for you regarding the author’s argument as you understand it? What do you find most convincing or lacking about the author’s argument? Was it supported with evidence?

Social Geography Assignment Reading Analysis: Mckinnon Write a critique of the reading(s). What meaning does the material have for you regarding the author’s argument as you understand it? What do you find most convincing or lacking about the author’s argument? Was it supported with evidence? Describe what the reading(s) mean to you. Short essay guideline: […]

Read the reports about all the toxins and then write a two page report that summarizes the data collected. Address the question: “do toxic substances pose a threat to the health of the community? why or why not?

Neighborhood Safety Report 1. Go to this link: https://www.deq.state.or.us/Webdocs/Forms/Output/FPController.ashx?SourceId=6189&Source IdType=11 and read the reports about all the toxins and then write a two page report that summarizes the data collected. Address the question: “do toxic substances pose a threat to the health of the community? why or why not?” 2. Use the pdf I’ve attached […]

What meaning does the material have for you regarding the author’s argument as you understand it? What do you find most convincing or lacking about the author’s argument? Was it supported with evidence? Describe.

Social Geography Assignment Write 250-word critique of the reading(s). I am not looking for a summary or restatement of the material. I am interested in your reaction. What meaning does the material have for you regarding the author’s argument as you understand it? What do you find most convincing or lacking about the author’s argument? […]

Identify the specific location for your event, and coordinate your event dates with those of the selected location’s current schedule. Use Google Maps to identify your specific location, and include satellite and street-view shots in your report.

For this project, identify the specific location for your event, and coordinate your event dates with those of the selected location’s current schedule. Use Google Maps to identify your specific location, and include satellite and street-view shots in your report. You must then create a map or footprint for your event. The industry preference for […]

Discuss what the talk is all about  and your engagement with the topic .Provide an introduction, followed by a road map

Connect this webinar to the Alison Blunt reading https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xWJ-i-dqJgY You are given one opportunity to attend a webinar this semester as part of your reflective essay requirement. You can choose what webinar to attend and write something about it. Please follow instructions below to avoid penalties/deductions. Essays should have a word count that ranges from […]

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