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What are the potential side effects and/or adverse drug reactions and how should they be managed?

Medicine and Health HPI: Sherrie Masterson is a 24-year-old female with a history of hypothyroidism, with a 3-month history of persistent vomiting, followed by the gastroenterology service; she is thought to have gastritis based on a recent upper endoscopy report. She continued to have vomiting and weight loss, so she presented to the emergency department […]

Discuss specific patient education based on the prescribed therapy.

Medicine and Health Laura is a 55-year-old white female who presents to her family physician’s office for a yearly routine physical. Her husband passed away five months ago after a two-year battle with lung cancer. She has three children, two of whom are still in college. Her daughter accompanies her to the doctor’s office and […]

Discuss appropriate interventions for adolescents suspected of having an eating disorder.

Medicine and Health Removing the Stigma of Talking About Eating Disorders Please check the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVnAqc_5ppk 1) What are the key points you took away from the presentation? 2) Discuss appropriate interventions for adolescents suspected of having an eating disorder. 3) Discuss how you might initiate conversations with adolescents about this issue

What has caused the rise of anti-vaccination?

Healthcare&Medicine According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), measles is highly infectious and it still exists in our world. Measles is very contagious, spread through airborne transmission, and can have serious consequences if not properly treated. From January 1 to December 5, 2019, 1,276 individual cases of measles have been confirmed in […]

Discuss the delicate balance of public health protection versus individual liberty (i.e., personal rights and free will).

Instructions- Review the web links below. https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2014/10/30/360120406/awful-moments-in-quarantine-history-remember-typhoid-mary http://www.cdc.gov/quarantine/aboutlawsregulationsquarantineisolation.html 1. Discuss the delicate balance of public health protection versus individual liberty (i.e., personal rights and free will). 2. Suppose a public health policy, such as quarantine, violates an individual’s liberty. Do you believe it must satisfy all of the justificatory conditions (i.e., effectiveness, necessity, least infringement, […]

Discuss fraud law and how it would apply.

eBook UMGC Library Permalink: http://ezproxy.umgc.edu/login?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=nlebk&AN=2344970&site=eds-live&scope=site&profile=edsebook APA 7th Edition Formatting for eBook: Perry, F. (2020). The tracks we leave Ethics and management dilemmas in healthcare. (3rd ed.). ACHE Management Series. QUESTIONS TO ANSWER IN POWERPOINT PRESENTATION Discuss fraud law and how it would apply. Discuss the Health Care Quality Improvement Act (HCQIA), Patient Safety Quality Improvement […]

Construct a professional paper that outlines how the use of the following CAM health care modalities impacts the cardiovascular system.

Health Interview Survey (NHIS) were findings that 38% of adults use CAM [complementary and alternative medical] health care modalities. Construct a professional paper that outlines how the use of the following CAM health care modalities impacts the cardiovascular system. Ginseng Hawthorn L-Arginine St. John’s Wort For each of the modalities the discussion must include: effect […]

Describe possible implications of environmental analysis in the creation of your strategic plan.

Evaluate the significance and implications of an external environmental analysis in the development of a strategic plan. For your evaluation: Explain the purpose of environmental analysis. Describe possible implications of environmental analysis in the creation of your strategic plan. Analyze evolving external issues that can have an impact on the strategic plan. Evaluate benefits of […]

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