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How – specifically – does this substance impact the brain? Discuss any parts of the brain, neurotransmitters, etc. that are impacted and what the impacts are.

Substances choose is Nicotine. Answers the Questions What is/are the addictive compound(s) in your chosen substance? Is your substance a stimulant, a depressant, or both? How – specifically – does this substance impact the brain? Discuss any parts of the brain, neurotransmitters, etc. that are impacted and what the impacts are. Be sure to use […]

What is the author’s main goal in writing this book? (Convince you of his position on a controversy? Explain the background of an event? Raise awareness of a particular issue?)

Book Title: Intuitive Eating: A revolutionary Anti-diet approach 4th edition Assignment : Your book review needs to be 3-4 typed pages long (double-spaced, one-inch margins). I expect your book review to be free of grammatical and spelling errors, and otherwise well edited. A book review does not only tell you what a book is about, […]

Explain the background of an event? Raise awareness of a particular issue?) What are the author’s main points?

Book Title: Fearing the Black Body The Racial Origins of Fat Phobia Assignment : Your book review needs to be 3-4 typed pages long (double-spaced, one-inch margins). I expect your book review to be free of grammatical and spelling errors, and otherwise well edited. A book review does not only tell you what a book […]

Why do people find it appealing?Why does/doesn’t it work?Discuss

*****In your paper, ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS about the diet you write about.***** 1-Why do people find it appealing? 2-Why does/doesn’t it work? 3-Does it follow sound dietary principles as discussed in our class? 4-What happens after you stop their dieting method? 5-Does this diet provide adequate balance and a variety of nutrients? 6-Does this diet […]

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