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What institutional arrangements regarding the structure of executive, legislative, and judicial systems would you recommend?

Imagine you were tasked to propose a constitution for a new, democratic state. What institutional arrangements regarding the structure of executive, legislative, and judicial systems would you recommend? Would you opt for a presidential or parliamentary system? Set elections as some form of single member district or proportional representation? Case law or code law? Any […]

Describe the process of assessing Sam’s progress throughout the group process?

Scenario 1 You are running an outpatient treatment group for veterans who have recently been returned to the United States and been discharged from service. Their overseas work has kept them away from friends and family for more than one year. Their adjustment to civilian life has been complicated by substance related disorders and symptoms […]

How has learning the facts about our political system changed your views on it?

How has learning the facts about our political system changed your views on it? What do you think our political system does well and where are we failing to live up to o our ideals? How did the results of the 2020 election impact your faith/trust in the federal government system? What do you think […]

Is the public health pandemic a challange to be seen soon? Did states learned how to manage those kind of threats?

Political Science Is the public health pandemic a challange to be seen soon? Did states learned how to manage those kind of threats? Is there a formula for that? Provide examples either as a case study or comparative approach?

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