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Briefly summarize the most important elements of the plot of the film.

Pick a film from the list below. For the film you choose, write a clear and concise 1000-word essay addressing the following points: Briefly summarize the most important elements of the plot of the film. How does the film view those aspects of politics that we have discussed in class? Relate the film to specific […]

Summarize the points made in the video. Given his presentation, what are his thoughts about COVID-19?

Watch the following video. https://www.hoover.org/research/what-happened-dr-jay-bhattacharya-19-months-covid Summarize the points made in the video. Given his presentation, what are his thoughts about COVID-19? Do you agree with him? Given what he says about COVID-19, have we generally been justified in our response to the virus? Why or why not? Make sure you use quotation marks and proper […]

Provide two political factors, Explain them and how they impacted or influence youth in TRinidad and tobago especially during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Political Science Two factors affected youth during covid-19 Provide two political factors, Explain them and how they impacted or influence youth in TRinidad and tobago especially during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Provide recommendation and solutions. Please justify your information.Provide evidence and reference

What are some of the key strategies/iWhat are some of the key strategies/interventions an effective and successful school-based health promotion program should have?

What are some of the key strategies/interventions an effective and successful school-based health promotion program should have? Also, what are some of the political issues you might be faced with when you are trying to implement a school-based health promotion program? Your response should be at least 200 words in length.  

Compare the discourse, rhetoric, reality of the Yugoslavia/Bosnia/Serbian war from the book Blood and Vengeance in the early 90’s to the Russia/Ukraine today and can we learn anything from this comparison.

Compare the discourse, rhetoric, reality of the Yugoslavia/Bosnia/Serbian war from the book Blood and Vengeance in the early 90’s to the Russia/Ukraine today and can we learn anything from this comparison.

Explain the modern comprehensive juvenile justice strategy

POLITICAL SCIENCE Create an 8- to 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation, with speaker notes, that outlines and explains the modern comprehensive juvenile justice strategy, including the following: Prevention * Intervention * Graduated sanctions Institutional programs Alternative courts, including the following: Drug courts Teen courts Format any citations in your presentation consistent with APA guidelines. ATTACHMENTS

What is your assessment of the goals of this interest group? Are their goals in the best interests of the United States? Why?

http://votesmart.org/interest-groups – .VXLuR6Zw0t8 Pick an interest group in which you are interested. That is to say, pick a group that does work in a political area that you want to know more about. Answer all of the following. Answers must be typed and should indicate the number of the question being answered. Make sure you […]

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