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Review, analyze and discuss the official testimony of a witness at a congressional hearing based on the official transcript.

https://naturalresources.house.gov/hearings/remote-emr-oversight-hearing_december-2-2021 Introduction to your basic research assignment… Review, analyze and discuss the official testimony of a witness at a congressional hearing based on the official transcript. 3 to 4 pages Who ? Credentials ? Title ? Background ? Perspective ? Context ? Content ? Conclusions ? Recommendations ? Comments ? The information in the links […]

Apply the three main theories of global politics (Realism, Liberalism, and Constructivism. How does each theory explain or not explain why the issue associated with your topic is occurring and the actions taken by the actors cited in your sources.

Identify a current topic relevant to global politics. Using no more than two sources including news articles, videos, and websites, (1) summarize the events and issues reviewed by your source(s) and (2) apply the three main theories of global politics (Realism, Liberalism, and Constructivism. How does each theory explain or not explain why the issue […]

Michael Billig argues that nationalism is an ideology that socially reproduces the nation. Explain how banal nationalism helps accomplish this.

Prompt: Michael Billig argues that nationalism is an ideology that socially reproduces the nation. Explain how banal nationalism helps accomplish this. Ensure that you define key concepts and terms and provide examples from the text.

What was the strongest point Reid made in the documentary?

Political Science watch the documentary, Sick Around the World.Palfreman, J. (2008, April 15). Sick around the world [Video file, Length 56:19] you can do some research at the original website for the documentary First, write a thorough discussion board post on the following points: What was the strongest point Reid made in the documentary? What […]

Who do unions affect? Are unions more popular or less popular now than they have been historically? Why?

Political Science After completing the assigned week 10 learning activities apply credible sources to answering the following questions: What are the advantages and disadvantages of labor unions? Who do unions affect? Are unions more popular or less popular now than they have been historically? Why? All initial posts must be supported by a minimum of […]

Analyze “Viola Davis and Stacey Abrams On Black Women of Awards Season”

https://youtu.be/wMVg6hxXWnE “Viola Davis and Stacey Abrams On Black Women of Awards Season” https://youtu.be/y3mj1yG38ig “The 2017 MAKERS Conference: Excerpt from the documentary, Makers — Women Who Make America” https://youtu.be/-XVK2C7cKq8 “PBS Makers Women Who Make America 3of3”

What were the goals of the national government at this time, compared to that of individuals?

Political Science Identify views of human nature as developed by key European philosophers that influenced the thinking of the writers of the U.S. Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. When evaluating the philosophies incorporated into the founding documents of the U.S., what contradictions exist between the philosophies, the documents, and the policies of the time? […]

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