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What did you find most interesting about the Journal Article Analysis? Why did you find this the most interesting?

Political Science Please write at least 6 sentences reflecting on the Journal Article Analysis. Sentence #1: Your 1st Sentence should be a question. Examples of questions include: What did you find most interesting about the Journal Article Analysis? Why did you find this the most interesting? What did you find most relevant to your daily […]

What does it mean to be “Western”? What does it mean to be “Eastern”?

Using the authors that we have read so far, write an essay responding to the following questions: What does it mean to be “Western”? What does it mean to be “Eastern”? Is there such a thing as a distinct “West” and “East” or “Western” and “Eastern” identity? What are the consequences to these labels? Do […]

Does it matter that confidence in the U.S. Supreme Court has sunk to historic lows? Explain.

Read the article, Confidence in U.S. Supreme Court Sinks to Historic LowLinks to an external site. Then address these questions. Does it matter that confidence in the U.S. Supreme Court has sunk to historic lows? Explain. What can be done to make it so U.S. citizens have more (or much more) confidence in the U.S. […]

Discuss the due process clause and the incorporation doctrine.

Assignment 1: The Bill of Rights and the Supreme Court In this essay you will explain how the structure of the federal system affects the application of the Bill of Rights, describing how the Supreme Court has used the Fourteenth Amendment to expand coverage of the Bill of Rights throughout the federal system. Discuss the […]

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