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Describe the strategic approach of the United States to terrorism in Africa and explain the threat to the United States from terrorists recruited by Al Shabaab.

Politics of Africa and Homeland Describe the strategic approach of the United States to terrorism in Africa and explain the threat to the United States from terrorists recruited by Al Shabaab. Describe the attempted terror attack on flight 253 that was flying to Detroit by a terrorist recruited in Nigeria by al Qaeda. Assess the […]

Compare between Saudi Arabia and Philippines in regards of institutions and how it related to the legitimacy.

Topic: Comparative between Saudi Arabia and Philippines in regards of institutions and how it related to the legitimacy. write about the flowing points Their institutions foundation and how this relates to legitimacy Political vs. economic institutions Inclusive vs. extractive institutions Formal vs. informal institutions

What actions do you think policymakers should take to address potential bias in juries? Explain your reasoning.

The Sixth Amendment enumerates a number of rights of the accused, among which is the right to trial “by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed.” How precisely to achieve this, however, is not specified. The jury selection process used today in most US jurisdictions attempts to […]

Describe the difference between liberal and conservative ideologies in American politics.

Answer the following questions Describe the difference between liberal and conservative ideologies in American politics. Using one social or demographic group as an example, describe some of the factors that may have shaped the ideological orientation of that particular group. Whose preference should prevail when attitude differ among groups? Or when they differ between the […]

Describe and explain one organization in the intelligence community in detail.

Describe and explain one organization in the intelligence community in detail. Detail some of its finest moments and some of its worse moments. How has it changed over the years, and what do you see in its future? Here is a list of all of the intelligence community organizations (choose one): Office of the Director […]

Discuss how Olympe de Gouges and Toussaint L’Ouverture, as well as the Haitian Declaration of Independence, are in conversation with previous documents but state their own and original political demands for women and enslaved people of color.

World history unit 6 paper When you have read the chapter and the discussion and documents of the French Revolution carefully, write a short essay of 250-500 words which considers how Olympe de Gouges and Toussaint L’Ouverture, as well as the Haitian Declaration of Independence, are in conversation with previous documents but state their own […]

Compare and contrast the normative and behavioral (positivist) approaches to the study of political science. 4) Why should we study politics?

Understanding the Political World Please no plagiarism or paraphrasing at all. The Professor is very strict and understands. In an 8-10 page, properly cited paper based on the unit readings, answer the following questions: 1) Define and explain the concepts of order, nation-state, power and justice. 2) How do these concepts apply to the process […]

Propose an amendment to our Constitution (presumably the 28th Amendment).

Amend the Constitution Throughout the term, we are reading about, discussing, learning about various problems in our political system: problems that affect our government’s ability to get things done and respond to the people’s needs, that affect the degree to which the rule of law is followed, that affect our institutions’ ability to adequately check […]

Evaluate how the Founders’ understood each of these ideas as evidenced by the lectures and specific aspects of the documents you have read, including the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Federalist Papers.

Central themes of the lectures and the readings have been the evolving ideas of equality, democracy, and limited government. Your understanding of these ideas in 2022 may or may not be the same as how the Founders understood these ideas. Evaluate how the Founders’ understood each of these ideas as evidenced by the lectures and […]

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