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If a state disagrees with a law passed by the Federal Government, should the states be allowed to not follow it? What if many states disagree with it? Why or why not?

Subject: Political science Topic: Federalism If a state disagrees with a law passed by the Federal Government, should the states be allowed to not follow it? What if many states disagree with it? Why or why not? Then look at Marijuana specifically- If the federal government deems it illegal (as it does) should a state […]

Discuss : political pros/cons of a Texas government politics policy.

Subject: Political science Topic: political pros/cons of a Texas government politics policy Your task is also to provide accurate information that backs up both sides of the issue and your final argument. Thus, you will need to critically evaluate the sources used in your essay as authoritative, reliable, relevant,and appropriate. Format for the Assignment 1. […]

Why is this an issue/problem? What is the extent of the problem? Give evidence to support your argument.

Policy Brief Choose your own sustainability issue or transition – eg increasing solar uptake, increasing use of electric cars, reducing waste, increasing access to community gardens etc. Your task is to prepare a briefing paper that could be provided to the Victorian Department of Premier and Cabinet or DEWLP to address one sustainability issue or […]

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