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What other rights were denied to women? What was the reasoning behind the anti-suffrage views? Finally, which groups continued to fight for their right to vote after women?

onsider the struggle for the right to vote for women through the documentary films above, and why it took so long for women to gain suffrage in the United States? How were they finally able to get the vote? What other rights were denied to women? What was the reasoning behind the anti-suffrage views? Finally, […]

How easy is it to conduct unscientific polls and insert bias into a poll at every question? What issues might these unscientific and biased polling methods present?

How easy is it to conduct unscientific polls and insert bias into a poll at every question? What issues might these unscientific and biased polling methods present? How do they impact the reporting of public opinion?

How does the 2020 presidential campaign compare to past campaigns in American history? Is the growing partisan divide anything to be concerned about? Why or why not?

Many Americans have a growing concern about the health of the American political system due to the heightened partisan divisions between Democrats and Republicans, especially during the 2020 presidential campaign. How does the 2020 presidential campaign compare to past campaigns in American history? Is the growing partisan divide anything to be concerned about? Why or […]

Describe the changes that have occurred in the sports news market which have led the industry to become both more politically relevant and more ideologically liberal.

1. Describe the changes that have occurred in the sports news market which have led the industry to become both more politically relevant and more ideologically liberal. Since sports fans are not all liberal, how might selective exposure fit into this paradigm shift? And, considering this, should we expect the liberal trend to continue? 2. […]

Discuss The United States is currently emerging from a pandemic.

Question: The United States is currently emerging from a pandemic. Did the government responded sufficiently in order to carry out the duties of its responsibility towards its citizens. Additionally, were or are you satisfied with the federal government initial and current response to the pandemic? (For example, does the government have a responsibility to do […]

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