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Explain the set up and consequences of the Electoral College. Why do we have the electoral college?

Description 1) Identify the agents of political socialization and how this influences the formation of public opinion. Second, what characteristics (ethnicity, age, gender, etc.) make the most difference in one’s political ideology? In other words, how do opinions differ according to factors such as race, gender, age, and income and why? Lastly, explain how your […]

Does democracy require equality of income or wealth? Discuss why democracy might make a country more or less egalitarian?

Option 1: Does democracy require equality of income or wealth? Discuss why democracy might make a country more or less egalitarian? Option 2: Political scientist Larry Sabato has proposed a new constitutional convention. Select any one of his proposed ideas and write a short list of pros and cons for this idea and support your […]

Formulate an investigative essay on the role of government in the U.S. economy.

Description Formulate an investigative essay on the role of government in the U.S. economy by using the instructions below. Select and introduce a specific public policy area such as education, national defense, welfare, immigration, employment, monetary policy, intellectual property, or markets. Compare and contrast the goals of the policy and its ties to the economy. […]

What is the draw to become a member in the group you have selected? What political interest does the agency serve?

Description Select a special interest group from here: https://www.hud.gov/program_offices/gov_relations/oirpublicinterestgroups Using your selected special interest group, write a two-page paper to answer the questions below. Use headings to indicate sections of your paper. Be sure to include supporting evidence for your main ideas. Introduce the agency, its roles and functions. Identify how the agency attains its […]

Describe any deviation from the current policy that would improve its effectiveness.

Description Select a policy initiative that references the healthcare or education field at the national level. Identify, describe, and provide a rationale for the chosen policy. Provide relevancy and its effect on the chosen industry. Describe any deviation from the current policy that would improve its effectiveness. Distinguish how the national policy objectives affect local […]

Explore different viewpoints from stakeholders such as what specific theory is preferred during the policy development phase.

Description Identify a public policy issue you consider important, then compare a selected theory and determine what factors like regulations, special interest groups, or principle stakeholders, assisted policy makers during the implementation process. Compare the effectiveness of the policy theory during the development phase with another policy theory. Explore different viewpoints from stakeholders such as […]

Examine how the policy was formulated and which stakeholders were involved in the process.

Chapter 1 of your textbook includes consequences of public policy. Select a local, national, or international public policy topic, and identify the pros and cons of the policy. Examine how the policy was formulated and which stakeholders were involved in the process. What were each stakeholder’s responsibilities? Also, evaluate whether the policy creates a benefit […]

Select a local or national policy issue, then outline and specifically delineate each policy process variable(s).

Review the video Ask Me Why I Care: J. Fred Silva, Senior Policy Advisor, California Forward available at the link below. Public Service Stories – Ask Me Why I Care. (2015, October 14). Ask me why I care: J. Fred Silva, senior policy advisor, California Forward [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oEs1fdU0Afo&t=37 Transcript for Ask Me Why I […]

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