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Were there any unaddressed critical issues not covered by the material on Homegrown Violent Extremism or Global Terrorism? How will the material on Homegrown Violent Extremism or Global Terrorism impact your future in Homeland Security?

Homegrown violent Extremism The goal of this paper for you to write your opinion on Homegrown Violent Extremism or Global Terrorism without using first or second person. In this paper, you get the opportunity to write your point of view on the material reviewed during the week – and the best part is that there […]

Write a research paper with 4 scenarios & your preference and most likely if different.Present research in conference format later in the semester with keynote speaker.

Future of Hawai’i & Oceania: Four Scenarios for Our Islands . a) Read Dator’s articles b) Choose one main issue that will shape future c) Write a research paper with 4 scenarios & your preference and most likely if different d) Present research in conference format later in the semester with keynote speaker Read the […]

Provide some personal examples of both your positive and negative experiences with bureaucracy and street-level bureaucrats.

What, if any, is the relative efficacy of the administrative state (public organizations at the federal, state, and local levels, nonprofit organizations, and contracted private organizations conducting work for governments) in our modern 21st century society given our current fiscal political economy and the continued evolution of complex problems for which the market, or private […]

Analyze how past films serve as a foundation for current films, recognizing that each creative piece of cinematography is part of a larger intellectual world of assumptions and approaches which came before, and they represent a significant picture of the society of the times.

Students who successfully complete this course should be able to: • gather and assess information about Italian historical and socio-economic development through reading articles from a variety of relevant print and online journals and watching films and video clips; •Evaluate evidence and arguments critically through reading and analyzing texts, comparing and contrasting films, combining historical […]

Identify one RECENT PRESIDENTIAL administrative appointment and design a political RESUME for a minority high ranking federal appointee that is serving or previously served in a leadership position in the Federal  government.

Political Resume Identify one RECENT PRESIDENTIAL administrative appointment and design a political RESUME for a minority high ranking federal appointee that is serving or previously served in a leadership position in the Federal  government.

Provide constructed analysis on how this theory Marxism, you can explain it for a bit but really the why is marxism this approach gives us the most insight in today global economy.

Reflection Paper on Marxism Provide constructed analysis on how this theory Marxism, you can explain it for a bit but really the why is marxism this approach gives us the most insight in today global economy.

Discuss the national interests of the members with their interests as an international community. How the states didn’t want to get involved in Rwanda the indifference to what was seen as a ”failed state”.

The lack of capacity to advocate and discuss in order to influence the members of the UNSC into acting to the maintenance of peace and security council. Contextualize and discuss in a more detailed manner than in the previous chapter, the context of the time and how the number of humanitarian missions exploded, how the […]

What is your dependent variable, and how did you measure it?  Is a between-subjects design, or a within-subjects design?  Briefly describe your treatments

Briefly describe your research question, and provide a brief justification for why it is important to study. Then draw on existing literature and explain the ONE hypothesis you wish to test. Be sure to include multiple citations for each hypothesis and reference them in your bibliography. Experimental design Describe the experimental setup. This section should […]

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