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Identify a current topic in the news related to public administration. Research the topic and discuss it (600 words minimum).

Public Administration in the News #7 (600+ words) Identify a current topic in the news related to public administration. Research the topic and discuss it (600 words minimum). The discussion should include a brief description of the issue, its direct connection to public administration, its direct connection to course literature, an analysis of the issue, […]

What were the reasons for the colonization of the Congo? Do you think any of these reasons were justified? Explain your analysis thoroughly.

Imperialism Discussion Answer the following questions in complete sentences, explaining your points thoughtfully and thoroughly. What were the reasons for the colonization of the Congo? Do you think any of these reasons were justified? Explain your analysis thoroughly. You have all heard of the European Holocaust, but probably have not heard of the Genocide in […]

Can it be argued that such a task be achieved in a strictly informative manner without the risk of propagating their harmful causes in the terrorists’ favor, or is such a combination destined to be blurred?

ASSIGNMENT The social outreach of the media and informative communication channels have extensively expanded from the rudimentary, yet revolutionary contributions initiated by the printing press. Although public access to information has been dramatically facilitated for the public, this has also led various groups to take advantage of this platform to disperse their messages to a […]

Discuss in 2000 words the performance of Nicola Sturgeon over eight years as First Minister of Scotland.

ASSIGNMENT Was Nicola Sturgeon a Success or Failure as First Minister of Scotland?Explain Discuss in 2000 words the performance of Nicola Sturgeon over eight years as First Minister of Scotland. Consider the SNP’s movement towards independence and weigh against the current situation. Also estimate what the legacy of Sturgeon might be

Prepare a research paper about the media representation of Women in politics.

Media Representation of Women in Politics Prepare a research paper about the media representation of Women in politics. They are seen to be portrayed in many tones and there is basically two ends. Women are either too Mellow or too aggressive. The paper should look at different articles from mainstream news channels and analyze how […]

If so, what is that definition? If not, why is a single definition of Americanness impossible to discover in the contemporary U.S.?Explain the reasoning

TASK 1. Provide a detailed definition of identity politics in your own words. 2. Critics of identity politics (usually those with a more conservative political belief system) argue that the practice of identity politics embodies the following two pitfalls. 1) First, according to them, identity politics promotes disunity among the American people. 2) And secondly, […]

Why is Duterte waging war on his own people? What does it say about the nature of conflict in the Philippines?

TASK Watch Frontline’s documentary “On the President’s Orders”. Why is Duterte waging war on his own people? What does it say about the nature of conflict in the Philippines? What does it say about dictatorship and democracy, authoritarianism and other topics (civil liberties/civil rights) and leadership covered in chapters 1,4,5, 6, 8 and 12 (or […]

Discuss these issues, and make and support your argument with logical explanation and empirical evidence, by referring to the readings and the video.

ASSIGNMENT What is Japan’s new geoeconomic strategy? Why is Japan an underappreciated power? Why is Japan a harbinger state? Discuss these issues, and make and support your argument with logical explanation and empirical evidence, by referring to the readings and the video. Be sure to offer concrete examples and illustrations to support your claims wherever […]

Why is a free press essential to democracy? If there was no free press, how would people get information? Can we maintain a democracy when most Americans pay little attention to political events?

TASK Why is a free press essential to democracy? If there was no free press, how would people get information? Can we maintain a democracy when most Americans pay little attention to political events? Questions Chapter 8: Evaluate the three types of traditional news sources in the United States. What are some of the distinct […]

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