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Debate on Parliamentary impetus in favor of the fight against disinformation and hateful and discriminatory content in cyberspace.

TASK Debate on Parliamentary impetus in favor of the fight against disinformation and hateful and discriminatory content in cyberspace. Originally designed as a space of freedom and emancipation, the intemet has become, over the years, a repository and distribution channel of hateful, discriminatory and dishonest content. At a time when democratic ideals are weakened, and […]

According to McDonald, how does capitalism brings peace? According to the normative arguments introduced by Hirschman, how does capitalism bring peace?

Question. Read Douglas Irwin, Free Trade Under Fire, fifth edition (introduction & chapters 1– 4) and other required readings and answer the questions that Irwin tries to answer in his book: What’s so good about trade, why do governments restrict trade, and why is trade policy so controversial? What is Irwin’s answers and arguments? Assess […]

Describe how people can affect change through interest groups. Include examples of interest groups that people can be a part of.

Compose an Essay Your essay will describe how people can affect change through interest groups. Include examples of interest groups that people can be a part of. Your essay should be at least four paragraphs, with each paragraph describing different examples of interest groups for people and how they affect change. Feel free to use […]

What is the “invisible hand of peace” and how—and under what conditions—does capitalism bring peace?

TASK Read the assigned pages (pp. 1–76) of Patrick J. McDonald, The Invisible Hand of Peace: Capitalism, The War Machine, and International Relations Theory, and answer the question that the author tries to answer in this book: What is the “invisible hand of peace” and how—and under what conditions—does capitalism bring peace? What is McDonald’s […]

Discuss the Pew Center quiz results in the context of the other readings.-Do these categories help you understand ideology?

Take the Pew Center’s political ideology quiz found here: Quiz. Political Typology Quiz Study your results, and also read about the other ideological categories. Discuss the Pew Center quiz results in the context of the other readings. Were you surprised by the category that the Pew Center tool placed you in? Do these categories help […]

Thinking about Congress, what is meant by “representation?” Do you believe that the U.S. Congress is representative of people like you? Why or why not?

ASSIGNMENT Thinking about Congress, what is meant by “representation?” Do you believe that the U.S. Congress is representative of people like you? Why or why not? Background Materials 1. OpenStax, Chapter 11 https://openstax.org/books/american-government-3e/pages/11-introduction 2. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, “Political Representation.” https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/political-representation/ 3. Legistorm, “Congress by the Numbers” https://www.legistorm.com/congress_by_numbers/index/by/house/mode/age/term_id/65.html

What changes should be made to the election system that might improve or protect the integrity of elections?

Analyzing the 2022 Midterm Elections Considering the 2022 midterms elections, among other factors, -How would you evaluate the health of the United States election system? – What are the system’s main vulnerabilities? – What are its enduring strengths? –What changes should be made to the election system that might improve or protect the integrity of […]

Locate and describe any laws that are designed to discourage or prevent this type of COI in your country.

TASK Pick an organization (public or private) and then choose a particular type of Conflict Of Interest (COI) that is associated with this type of organization. Sustainability-related COIs are especially encouraged. 1. Locate and describe any laws that are designed to discourage or prevent this type of COI in your country. If there are no […]

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