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What points does she make? Compare and contrast the way in which each commentator presents their information and what, if any, bias you detect in their presentations.

Find a segment on a particular political topic or political event by the conservative commentator Tucker Carlson. Post the video and a link. Summarize the points made by Tucker. Then find a segment on the SAME political topic or political event by liberal commentator Rachel Maddow. What points does she make? Compare and contrast the […]

Compare and contrast the major political ideas of Martin Luther King and Malcolm X. Focus on similarities and differences regarding their world views, core values, goals, strategies and tactics.

Description Answer these two questions (BY USING lecture materials) 1. Compare and contrast the major political ideas of Martin Luther King and Malcolm X. Focus on similarities and differences regarding their world views, core values, goals, strategies and tactics. 2. Discuss some of the issues confronted by the LGBT community in the United States. What […]

Discuss : Nationalism and Religion; The role of Islam and how it has been used in specific Islamic Nations such as Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, and more.

Description USE FOR THE TOPIC: Nationalism and Religion; The role of Islam and how it has been used in specific Islamic Nations such as Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, and more. ) Referring to historical moments is important…. Please use assigned readings only. Include Works Cited. Connect your thinking to readings, and nations and nationalism

What might be reasons that explain why member-state governments, parliaments, and courts, on whose cooperation the CJEU often depends, have largely refrained from openly challenging the CJEU’s interpretations of EU law?

Description I attached a word document with instructions, please follow them carefully. Essay of 2500-3000 words (including bibliography) on one of the following questions. Choose one: Question 1: The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) – previously called European Court of Justice (ECJ) – has been a major player in the European integration […]

Research a federal issue and write a letter to someone in the U.S. Congress—either the U.S.

Letter Assignment You must research a federal issue and write a letter to someone in the U.S. Congress—either the U.S. Representative from your congressional district or one of the U.S. senators from Texas. This assignment is worth 40 points toward your final grade. To fulfill the assignment, you must complete the following steps in order.

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