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In at least 500 words, summarize the most important parts of the argument of the article.”The EPA: The very definition of tyranny”

Carefully read the article “The EPA: The very definition of tyranny” (p.90) and Madison’s Federalist 47, 48, and 51 (p. 80-87). In at least 500 words, summarize the most important parts of the argument of the article. Be sure to discuss the question of the EPA in connection with Madison’s arguments in Federalist 47, 48, […]

What is a Tory? In answering this question, you must cite the readingsfrom Samuel Beer and Philip Norton.What is the Tory position on Brexit?

Write a 10page essay-typed and double spaced with normal font-in which you answerthe following question. 1. What is a Tory? In answering this question, you must cite the readingsfrom Samuel Beer and Philip Norton.What is the Tory position on Brexit? Be sure to outline the position of the government of Teresa May on Brexit and […]

Why Capitalism Will Not Bring Democracy to China, New York: Penguin Books, 2008, Introduction and ch. 1

Part 1: Required readings: “Dr. Kurt M. Campbell,” Center for a New American Security, Blackwill, Robert D. and Ashley J. Tellis, Revising U.S. Grand Strategy toward China, Council on Foreign Relations, 2015. Brooks, David, “The thought leader,” The New York Times, December 17, 2013. Doder, Dusko, “Michael Pillsbury,” Washington Post, January 26, 1987. Harding, Harry, […]

Looking at the US system and judicial systems around the world how would you change the judicial system to make it more effective?

The US Court system has changed greatly over the 225 years of our history. Swinging from pro to anti-business and back against. Limiting rights, expanding rights, and limiting again. Looking at the US system and judicial systems around the world how would you change the judicial system to make it more effective? Think about protecting […]

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