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Why does Rawls view natural talents and social position as arbitrary from a moral point of view and as social assets? Is he right to do so?Discuss.

Political Theory of Capitalism Essay question options Is Locke right to claim that mixing one’s labour with objects in the world confers a title to them? Discuss the place of the concept of self-ownership in Locke’s political theory. ‘The pursuit of self-interest is a social good, not a social bad.’ Discuss with reference to Mandeville. […]

Choose a nation typically labeled a “developing nation” and illustrate how some of these impediments to development have impacted that nation. Of all the factors limiting development which one do you think is the predominant factor?

1. There are many explanations for why developing nations have difficulty developing stable political institutions. Some can be traced to the legacy of colonialism, some explanations point to the burden of neo-liberal trade policies, others point to corruption on the part of existing governments. Additionally, borders remain problematic in many developing nations, and development policies […]

What main issues—including legislative actions—does the party emphasize? What appeals does this party make to the public? What information does the site provide?

Description Examine the website of the Democratic Party: www.democrats.org. What main issues—including legislative actions—does the party emphasize? What appeals does this party make to the public? What information does the site provide? What incentives (material, solidary, expressive) does this party offer to attract and retain members? What changes to format, style and substance would be […]

Identify the organization, and include stakeholders, individuals, and departments involved. Describe the circumstances and sequence of events—what went right, and what went wrong.

Select an important news event that addresses questionable decision-making on a topic relating to social equity. Your research should identify a government or nonprofit organization that used (or did not use) proper procedures, policy, or law for handling workplace equality practices. With increased multiculturalism in our communities, organizations also need to know how to fairly […]

What roles does human resources management play in a public or nonprofit sector organization fulfilling its mission and effectively pursuing its strategic goals?

1. What roles does human resources management play in a public or nonprofit sector organization fulfilling its mission and effectively pursuing its strategic goals? 2. Employment anti-discrimination laws have changed in many ways over the years. Discuss these key changes, and how these legal shifts relate to an HR Manager’s continuous effort to negotiate internal […]

Find at least one article or video that discusses the law, provide a link and cite. What are the arguments in favor of the law? What are the arguments against the law? What is your opinion of the law? Are there any specific immigration laws you would like to see Congress enact or laws you would like Congress to repeal? Why?

Article 1, section 8 of the Constitution says that one of the powers of Congress is to “To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization.” This means Congress is responsible for passing laws with respect to immigration. Find a specific immigration law Congress has passed in the last 25 years. Provide a link to the law […]

Summarize their arguments. What are the strengths and weaknesses of their case. What part of the Constitution is at issue? Which policy is the best and why?

Read two articles or watch two videos on the issue of Voter ID. The first article or video should be from someone supporting the use of Voter ID (a conservative) and the second article or video should be from someone opposing the use of Voter ID (a liberal). Summarize their arguments. What are the strengths […]

Discuss your view of Waltz’s thinking about the levels of analysis and the causes of war. Are wars due to basic human nature of leaders and statesmen, or the particular domestic system of a state, or due to the anarchical international system?

Description Discuss your view of Waltz’s thinking about the levels of analysis and the causes of war. Are wars due to basic human nature of leaders and statesmen, or the particular domestic system of a state, or due to the anarchical international system?

Write a Briefing Memorandum to the Deputy Minister of an American embassy addressing Global Citizenship as Myth or Reality—dream or illusion. Comment on the role of sovereign states and national interest in your memorandum.

Description Write a Briefing Memorandum to the Deputy Minister of an American embassy addressing Global Citizenship as Myth or Reality—dream or illusion. Comment on the role of sovereign states and national interest in your memorandum.

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