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What issue in the country or world is keeping you up at night? It may not impact you, but rather your loved ones, coworkers, or community. What problem do you want to address or solve?Discuss

Public Policy Proposal Outline Topic Selection: What issue in the country or world is keeping you up at night? It may not impact you, but rather your loved ones, coworkers, or community. What problem do you want to address or solve? Describe the Problem: State the problem that you want to address and who is […]

Discuss What would be a current example where we see these arguments/perspectives used to justify public policy/laws? Can public policy alter “racial ideals”?

Many countries like Germany, have been able to move their country forward after horrific atrocities. How do we solve systemic injustices in America and move forward? Which arguments between James Baldwin and William Buckley align with individual racism, which with institutional discrimination? What would be a current example where we see these arguments/perspectives used to […]

Compare and contrast PM Modi’s response to the farmer protests with the actions of former President Trump during the protests of summer 2020. Are the farmers grievances “rooted in economic issues, not religious ones” or are minority groups being discriminated against?

Indian farmers are fighting new laws passed last fall, that would benefit big companies and hinder the livelihood of lower income farmers. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been unsuccessful in his attempts to find common ground. A large percentage of the Indian economy is dependent on agriculture and farmers are a large voting bloc for […]

Based on the scenario, describe the role of your assigned department and overall discipline (fire) in the response. Based on the description of resources in the Central City materials, is this something your Department has the resources to handle on its own?

Description 1. Make list of at least four SMART incident objectives for your assigned response discipline. These should represent the significant actions that need to be taken by your response discipline to deal with the first six-hours of the incident. Remember – Objectives should SMART – Specific Measurable Action-Oriented Realistic Time-Sensitive Example Objective: Evacuate all […]

Distinguish and critically evaluate competing diplomatic theories and infer the implications of these for diplomatic practice.

Introduce and critically evaluate competing foreign policy approaches and diplomatic theories and infer implications for diplomatic practice; Examine and analyse the changing character of diplomacy, its development, practices, procedures and skills, and discuss its role foreign policy making and international relations more broadly; Critically assess the effectiveness and sustainability of national and multilateral diplomatic strategies, […]

Analyze the current event/news story.

Description https://www.democracynow.org/2021/2/22/naomi_klein_texas_green_new_deal Summarize the current event/news story (make sure to also provide the title of the news article and the full URL to your article at the top of your post) in no less than 100 words, single-spaced, Times New Roman 12-point font. “Current” is broadly-defined for the purposes of this course. As long as […]

Describe an event in international relations (Japan during 1939 – 1945, Pearl Harbor Invasion) and then use one theory to interpret what happened.

The goal of the paper is to describe an event in international relations (Japan during 1939 – 1945, Pearl Harbor Invasion) and then use one theory to interpret what happened . Your paper will be divided into two parts (please separate part 1 and part 2). Remember that the main task is to describe thoroughly […]

Explain the principal schools of thought (e.g. realism, institutionalism, liberalism, constructivism), and discuss their respective influence in policy-making circles, including the concepts of sovereignty, multilateralism, and interdependency.

Description Objectives • Explain the principal schools of thought (e.g. realism, institutionalism, liberalism, constructivism), and discuss their respective influence in policy-making circles, including the concepts of sovereignty, multilateralism, and interdependency; • Examine the these schools of thought, as appropriate, including inter alia, related world events where the specific theory proves unable to explain outcomes, and […]

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