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Explain How covid has changed the human rights and democracy situation in china – what new challenges and opportunities have arisen.

The goal of the document is to create a review of expert thinking on the pre-COVID situation, post-COVID situation, and the best ideas on improving human rights and democracy now. Sections: 1. Pre-covid assessment of human rights and democracy situation in China (inventory/provide a background on the most pressing human rights and democracy China was […]

Where does Rick travel to? What region of the world? How far back does the history of the nation go? Who are some of the people/leaders/presidents/religious leaders involved in global affairs?Discuss

Description Choose one of the countries that Rick Steves has visited and watch the corresponding video(s). Along with the video(s), include two (2) additional news sources on current events affecting this region. Briefly discuss and weave these current events into your writing. After watching, consider the discussion prompt below: 1. Where does Rick travel to? […]

Describe some of the benefits of having Muslim Americans willing to serve in the US military. How has the increasing prevalence of Islamophobia in society influenced the political engagement of Muslim Americans? What are the potential implications of this on the political system?

Islamophobia Is Driving More US Muslims to Become Politically Engaged, Suggests Report (Links to an external site.) Muslims in the Military: The Few, the Proud, the Welcome (Links to an external site.) Assaults Against Muslims in U.S. Surpass 2001 Level (Links to an external site.) The video Faith on the Frontline (Links to an external […]

Write a paper on a current event article that discusses restrictions on freedoms by a totalitarian state or an article on ethnic conflict within a nation. Summarize the article and explain why this issue is important to the global community. What outside influences might help change this issue? How? Is the article neutral? Why or why not?

Write a paper on a current event article that discusses restrictions on freedoms by a totalitarian state or an article on ethnic conflict within a nation. Summarize the article and explain why this issue is important to the global community. What outside influences might help change this issue? How? Is the article neutral? Why or […]

Is there a policy monopoly? Why or why not?Discuss

Research the official and unofficial actors and their desired policy goals. Write a 150-200 word for each of the key actors you have identified, including summaries of the following: What is their role in the development of this policy? What are the key arguments? What are their desired policy goals? Write a 100-to 150-word summary […]

To what extent should development be securitized?Discuss

To what extent should development be securitized? First, make sure you start the essay with a clear argument statement: e.g. ‘This essay will argue… it does so by Z, Y, Z.’. From there, go on to discuss the different theoretical perspectives and positions in the literature on whether development should be securitized. Make sure you […]

Identify and describe your chosen research methodology. what will you do to carry on your research goals and objectives.

Proposal – Title of the research project: Title – Introduction: Topic area, Research question, purpose or significance to the study – Importance: Academic relevance/justification/contextualization – Literature review: Evaluate and analyze current literature on the subject Previous research others & yours, interlocking findings and Unanswered questions, your preliminary work on the topic, the remaining questions and […]

Discuss the following statement: “… policy discussions remain framed by the goal of sustainability. This adherence to sustainability ignores the fact that the concept has failed to meaningfully change the human behaviour that created the Anthropocene” (Benson and Craig, 2014: 778).

Discuss the following statement: “… policy discussions remain framed by the goal of sustainability. This adherence to sustainability ignores the fact that the concept has failed to meaningfully change the human behaviour that created the Anthropocene” (Benson and Craig, 2014: 778). This is a two-part essay: 1. Set out, in your own words, how you […]

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