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Compare and contrast Hobbes’s and Locke’s conceptions of the social contract. Compare and contrast Burke’s and Wollstonecraft’s theoretical conclusions about the French Revolution.

Essay Questions: Please choose one of the questions below. In writing your essay, make sure to engage critically with the thinkers’ work, assessing their comparative merits and limitations. Compare and contrast Hobbes’s and Locke’s conceptions of the social contract. Compare and contrast Burke’s and Wollstonecraft’s theoretical conclusions about the French Revolution. Compare and contract Mill’s […]

Why the trust in US government has been steadily decreasing over the past few years, and what can be done to improve the peoples trust again.Discuss

Why the trust in US government has been steadily decreasing over the past few years, and what can be done to improve the peoples trust again. Im going to submit the main layout of the proposal and how it should look. I will also include a screenshot with the standard fonts to use. And i […]

What is Iain Lustick’s main argument as to why there are no great powers in the modern Middle East? How does this relate to the Gulf War of 1990-91? What were Saddam Hussein’s motivations for invading Kuwait, and the arguments he used to justify his actions? What of US motivations (both stated and unstated)? Was this a war against tyranny or a war for American hegemony? Explain your answer.

What is Iain Lustick’s main argument as to why there are no great powers in the modern Middle East? How does this relate to the Gulf War of 1990-91? What were Saddam Hussein’s motivations for invading Kuwait, and the arguments he used to justify his actions? What of US motivations (both stated and unstated)? Was […]

What do we mean by the Arab Spring, and why did it occur (i.e. what are the underlying “structural causes”)? How do we explain the timing of the uprisings (i.e. what were the “precipitating causes”) and how do we explain the variability of outcomes?Discuss

What do we mean by the Arab Spring, and why did it occur (i.e. what are the underlying “structural causes”)? How do we explain the timing of the uprisings (i.e. what were the “precipitating causes”) and how do we explain the variability of outcomes? How have these events contributed to the unraveling of the regional […]

Who was General Shinseki? What was the scandal or problem that occurred within the organization he was in charge of?Explain

Refer back to the two news articles on the Department of Veteran’s Affairs and do a quick web search for additional information if necessary. Consider and Address the following questions in an essay: Who was General Shinseki? What was the scandal or problem that occurred within the organization he was in charge of? Identify three […]

To what extent has devolution challenged the doctrine of parliamentary sovereignty?How effective is Parliament in holding government to account?Discuss

Description Essay 1: Questions Choose ONE from the following: To what extent has devolution challenged the doctrine of parliamentary sovereignty? How effective is Parliament in holding government to account? ‘Policy-making in British politics rests with the UK prime minister’. Discuss. How important is gender to understanding power in British politics? To what extent does the […]

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