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Why is it important? Airbnb has change neighborhoods so why we should care about this?Why can Airbnb affect cities and housing market?Discuss

Description There are a few things in this essay that I have some trouble with. I will write first what are the questions and then in parenthesis the word frame that we should use. Also next to the in-text citation to write the number of the page you found the reference in case the professor […]

Review Colonialism and nationalism in the Middle East, Iraq as a case study ( how colonialism and nationalism shaped the nation state).

Description Article review: Colonialism and nationalism in the Middle East, Iraq as a case study ( how colonialism and nationalism shaped the nation state). use 5 articles and choose one of them as the main article and the 4 others have to be relied to the same topic and use them to critic, compare with […]

How does the concept of ethnicity help our understanding of the origins and continuance of contemporary conflict?

How does the concept of ethnicity help our understanding of the origins and continuance of contemporary conflict? Answer with reference to two countries. (Note: Material covered in the lecture focused on Rwanda and Burundi so maybe use these two countries)

‘Talks of a “China threat” are greatly exaggerated’. Do you agree with this statement?

‘Talks of a “China threat” are greatly exaggerated’. Do you agree with this statement? ESSENTIAL READING • John Mearsheimer, The Tragedy of Great Power Politics (New York: W. W. Norton, 2001), Chapter 2 • Andrew Hurrell, ‘Hegemony, liberalism and global order: what space for would‐be great powers?’ International Affairs, vol. 82, no. 1 2006, pp. […]

To what extent is China a “security threat”?

To what extent is China a “security threat”? Write from a “realist” perspective, with footnote citations this is part of a module on the development of the discipline of international security studies so it may draw on other approaches for comparison, but ultimately must make its case for china being a security threat from a […]

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