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Choose at least one character from each medium (TV, movies, literature, and the Bible), and explore each character using the personality theory or theorist you have studied.

TASK You are expected to choose at least one character from each medium (TV, movies, literature, and the Bible), and explore each character using the personality theory or theorist you have studied.

How does the treatment for conduction deafness differ from that for neural deafness? Explain.

Two kinds of disruptions of auditory processing In this exercise, you will perform an Internet research about two kinds of disruptions of auditory processing. Answer the following questions in a short paper to compare and contrast conduction deafness and neural deafness, as well as to explore some possible implications of deafness on reading skills in […]

Identify and explain the issues with autonomy and consent in this case. Make sure you offer some discussion about how using DBS, a proven but still emerging neurotechnology, uniquely affects your considerations about autonomy and consent.

Case: For several years, you have been working with a patient who has advanced Parkinson’s disease. The patient has been suffering from lack of motor control since becoming your patient. A year ago, you and the patient decided to try experimental deep brain stimulation (DBS) treatments (see main article under “Personal Identity” for a bit […]

Find and read an article in the media, a scientific journal, or a website that reports the results of a scientific study on psychological testing.

TASK Find and read an article in the media, a scientific journal, or a website that reports the results of a scientific study on psychological testing. You may choose from any type of psychological test, including tests for IQ, psychological problems (e.g., depression, anxiety), psychological traits (e.g., self-esteem, resiliency), or personality (e.g., agreeableness, openness). Again, […]

Research their life and theory, and then write a 2-3 page paper that discusses the key events in their life that you feel contributed to the development of their theory

ASSIGNMENT You will be researching Jean Piaget’s of the key stage theorists in child development. Research their life and theory, and then write a 2-3 page paper that discusses the key events in their life that you feel contributed to the development of their theory. Make sure to specifically discuss what aspects of their theory […]

What was being internalized? Is there any connection with Harro?-What or who were the barriers for the women of color?

ASSIGNMENT You will have needed to listen to: African-Americans and Eating Disorders https://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=89184727 and have read Bobbie Harro’s: Cycle of Liberation – Harro.pdf (2008), you may also use the following for guidance: harro-cycle-of-liberation.pdf (attached on files) 1. Identifying connections between Harro’s model and the NPR segment. Use of quotes/direct language from Harro’s model must be […]

Critically present and discuss the design of an intervention to tackle a key well-being issue within the workplace.” Identify and evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed intervention; how does it work and who is responsible for their implementation.

The effects of workplace bullying and harassment on employee mental health and ways to prevent it. CW1: Essay Question – Designing a Wellbeing Intervention Essay question: “Critically present and discuss the design of an intervention to tackle a key well-being issue within the workplace.” Identify and evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed intervention; how does […]

discuss in your own words if you knew what the problem is for the aging population called a phenomenon.

Phenomenon Associated with Aging The phenomenon associated with aging in which the drinker loses his/her ability to handle alcohol is​ not spoken about much, but definitely has long term negative effects. First discuss in your own words if you knew what the problem is for the aging population called a phenomenon. Then, discuss the term […]

Describe the theory used in the articles you chose-Explain how the theories are applied to the topic and to the research findings.

THEORIES AND ETHICS Overview In the previous assignment, you analyzed the research component in the literature of the field for the topic of your interest. In this assignment, you’ll delve deeper by analyzing the theory behind the topic. You’ll gain an understanding of the theory before analyzing and synthesizing it into the literature review. Preparation […]

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