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Identify risk and resilience in children and how to promote positive youth development, and memory model in developing ages, while problem solving how learning and development can be more accurately depicted through the main character as the premise unfolds

A report on perks of being a wallflower analyzing the main character and psychological concepts regarding development The purpose of this assignment is to use critical, analytical, and creative thinking to provide an informed discussion on the main character of “Perks of Being a Wallflower” by Stephen Chobsky, by applying the main ideas and concepts […]

What, do you think, is the most important aspect of programs designed to prevent or intervene in gang growth?

Discussion Forum 4 First, post your response to the following discussion question. Then, Reply to at least two classmates’ responses by the date indicated in the Course Calendar. Question- What, do you think, is the most important aspect of programs designed to prevent or intervene in gang growth?  

In this paper you will pick ONE of the following theories: Bentham/Mill’s utilitarianism, Kant’s deontological ethics, or Aristotle’s virtue ethics and apply it to ONE of the issues covering in the class: Euthanasia, Environmental Ethics, Global Economic Justice, Immigration.

ASSIGNMENT In this paper you will pick ONE of the following theories: Bentham/Mill’s utilitarianism, Kant’s deontological ethics, or Aristotle’s virtue ethics and apply it to ONE of the issues covering in the class: Euthanasia, Environmental Ethics, Global Economic Justice, Immigration.  

What did Charlie realize about Aunt Helen and his childhood? How did this experience affect him as a person and who he is?

Perks of Being a Wallflower Questions 7 Module 7 pages 183-213 1.Predict what Charlie’s next few years of high school will be like without his friends. Why did Charlie get along better with kids three years older than him? 2.Why did Charlie write letters to a stranger? 3.What did Charlie realize about Aunt Helen and […]

Describe a scenario in which you were persuaded to do something that you did not really want to do.

TASK Obedience and Conformity “Conformity is going along with the crowd” (Chapter 9, pg. 310). “Like obedience, conformity has had a bad reputation among social psychologists, and this stems in part from influential early studies that depicted people doing foolish, irrational, or bad things in order to conform” (pg. 310). Why do we conform and […]

Is there any information that informs users that the product is only for training and never to be administered on people or animals?

Warning Label Design Instructions Warning Label Design: Part 1 Your goal is to demonstrate understanding of the 4 elements associated with designing an effective warning label. These 4 elements are described on pages 542 – 544 of the class textbook (Lee, Wickens, Liu, & Boyle, 2017) as follows: Signal word conveying the seriousness (e.g., Danger, […]

Physical and Mental Stress-Reflect on your understanding of research methods before starting this course and at this point of the course; what has changed? What progress have you made?

Questions you should answer through your reflection paper: Given Chapter: Ethical Issues in Behavior Research . Physical and Mental Stress 1.Why did this chapter (and topic) mentioned above, felt the easiest to learn and understand? Explain why. (refer to the attachment before answering) Given Chapter: The Measurements of Behavior. Scales of Measurement 2.Why did this […]

Identify which of the articles is behavior analytic and which is not, and provide an explanation for your choice.

ASSIGNMENT Petscher, E. S., & Bailey, J. S. (2006). Effects of training, prompting, and self-monitoring on staff behavior in a classroom for students with disabilities. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 39(2), 215–226. Cipriano, A., Cella, S., & Cotrufo, P. (2017). Nonsuicidal self-injury: A systematic review. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 1946. Identify which of the articles […]

Name the four variables used in this analysis and whether they are categorical or continuous.

PSYC-FPX4700 Stat for Behavioral Sciences INSTRUCTIONS Throughout the course, you have been exploring various concepts and building your skills in statistical analysis. This week, you will complete a data analysis report to analyze the correlation between assigned variables. Exploring the associations between some variables in the courseroom using correlations might provide some important information about […]

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