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Explain how Oedipus the King could be read as Sophocles’ response to the Sophists.

1). Watch this short Ted Ed video on Joseph Campbell’s definition of a hero: https://youtu.be/Hhk4N9A0oCA. Though it’s a little reductive and doesn’t work in every way, use the video to discuss how Gilgamesh satisfies most of Campbell’s characteristics for a classic hero in Western culture. Refer to the video as you want, but don’t worry […]

Compare and contrast the Ancient Greek and Ancient Roman conceptions of the state.

Answer in fully the following questions with a minimum of 550 words per answer. 1) A common theme addressed by many of the authors in this course is the role of human nature in politics. Two thinkers from different time periods who have distinct views on the role of human nature are Aristotle and Machiavelli. […]

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