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Who pays and supports music during our class’s period of study? Why do they support music? How do they influence and control the music they support?

Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque Periods Of Music- Provide an informed paper on one of the suggested topics below: Text and music – this might focus on song overall, or a particular kind of song Instrumental Virtuosity M how did musicians create music that fit the uses of the Christian church during these periods Women in […]

Most scholars doubt that Paul wrote I and II Timothy and Titus. They are about equally divided on whether Paul wrote Colossians and Ephesians. What do you think of these claims? Does the actual authorship make any difference to the Christian Church? Why or why not?

Question: Most scholars doubt that Paul wrote I and II Timothy and Titus. They are about equally divided on whether Paul wrote Colossians and Ephesians. What do you think of these claims? Does the actual authorship make any difference to the Christian Church? Why or why not?

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