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Discuss : Classicism + Strain Theory

Classicism + Strain Theory Classicism + Strain Theory, write 1000 for each theory and show understanding of what the theory was attempting to explain, who the key theorists were, the ideas it challenged and if any strength and weaknesses of it and anything else you think relevant. Include contemporary examples

In two to three pages, reflect on how Romanticism has influenced your own way of thinking and whether, overall, you feel more like a Romantic or a Classicist.

Romanticism vs classicism This week we explored the Romantic movement as a response to the European Enlightenment. In his video, History of Ideas: Romanticism, Alain de Botton points out that Romanticism has been so influential in Western Civilization that “we are all now more or less, in some aspects of our sensibilities, Romantics.” Even if […]

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