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Discuss what is the distinct role of informatics in public health? For example, how and why is it distinguishable from clinical informatics?

Instructions: Select one of the two topics below. The submission for this project should be two to three pages, double-spaced, in size 12, New Times Roman font. In addition, this project should include, at least one or more references using APA formatting, from resources other than the course textbook or other class material. Your response […]

Describe the impact that information systems and computer technology has on quality, safety, and efficiency in nursing practice.

Instructions Review the TurnitIn website and handout linked from the resource list above Prior to beginning the assignment, review the grading rubric to understand the criteria for earning a maximum of 200 points. Write a 2 to 3-page paper (excluding the title page and reference page) that includes the following: Describe the impact that information […]

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