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What would the solution pH be if all the sulphite were destroyed by the second reaction, and then allthe acetic acid that remained was destroyed by the first reaction?

1. The acid sulphite pulping process uses sulphurous acid, H2SO3, to attack the lignin that holds the wood fibres together. The fibres are then released and processed into paper products, and a hot solution containing acetic acid, sulphurous acid, and some larger organic molecules is generated as a waste. This waste solution is partially evaporated […]

Define rural, regional and remote communities based on the classification system used in Australia, The Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS).

Q1- Define rural, regional and remote communities based on the classification system used in Australia, The Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS). Identify which Statistical Area Level has a population range of 3,000 to 10, 000 persons. Find a rural or remote town by visiting ASGS, Accessibility and Remoteness Index of Australia (ARIA+). Prepare a brief […]

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