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Write a 250 word summary for each of the following books: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.

Write a 250 word summary for each of the following books: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. The contents of each summary should include date, authorship, audience, genre, and overview of the contents of the book. Be sure to consult your textbooks for support and document your papers appropriately. Combine all five summaries into one […]

In these passages, we are instructed to not be tossed to and fro by false teachings and are reminded that God is the God of truth. How do these passages connect to the study of logic?

Religion Prompt: Read Ephesians 4:7-16 and Deuteronomy 32:4. In these passages, we are instructed to not be tossed to and fro by false teachings and are reminded that God is the God of truth. How do these passages connect to the study of logic?

How does the text of Deuteronomy 17:14-20 relate to the narratives of Saul, David, and in particular, Solomon? Do you think that the author of I Kings has Deuteronomy 17 in mind as he writes the “Solomonic Narrative” of 1 Kings 1 – 11?

CONTENT ESSAY ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW The content essay assignment provides you with the opportunity to take a “deep dive” into the content of a particular interpretive issue within an Old Testament book. In an essay, answer the following questions pertaining to 1 Kings 1 – 11: 1. How does the text of Deuteronomy 17:14-20 relate […]

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