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Describe the elements of contract and tort law, the ambit of contract and tortuous.Prepare reasoned advice on a range of straightforward legal problems.

Contract law Describe the elements of contract and tort law, the ambit of contract and tortuous. liability and the rights and duties of persons relating to contract and tort. Prepare reasoned advice on a range of straightforward legal problems.

Duties, Ethical and Legal Responsibilities: How do the tensions between insurance coverage and the need for care impact a hospital’s economic, ethical and legal responsibilities?

Courts have reasoned that hospitals have a duty to reserve their beds and facilities for patients who genuinely need them.” (Showalter) Who do you feel this ‘duty’ is owed to? (Current patients? Future patients? Staff? Shareholders? Community? Others?) How do the tensions between insurance coverage and the need for care impact a hospital’s economic, ethical […]

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