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Describe the projected coordinate system you chose, and why. What is the name of the projection? What type of linear units does it use? What is the longitude of the central meridian? Does it use the equator as the latitude of origin?

Complete the chapter 3 tutorial (Price, exercises 1-39). Then do the following: Work with the geodatabase you created for New York State in Lab #2 1. Choose a projected coordinate system appropriate for New York State. You should use the appropriate UTM projection 2. Reproject the New York State feature classes you created in Lab […]

Examine each of the feature classes in the usdata geodatabase and decide which ones can be exported to your geodatabase using the table query or clipping.

Managing Data Complete the chapter 2 tutorial . Then follow these steps to create your own geodatabase: 1. Create a new project folder in your gisclass folder . Within it, create a new, empty file geodatabase for data relevant to New York state. 2. Examine each of the feature classes in the us data geodatabase […]

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