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Describe in detail one particular moment that stood out in the play, and talk about the situation of the character in that moment. What was happening for that character? What did s/he want? What got in the way?

Rrespond using essay-question format. You do not need to turn this in to a full-blown essay with an introduction and conclusion. Instead use the numbering below and answer each question fully and thoughtfully. Just state the name of the play and where and when you saw it in your opening response. Make sure to correctly […]

Identify influences of Greek and Roman theatre, discussed in class, that you find in Eugene O’Neill’s Desire under the Elms and Tennessee Williams’ The Glass Menagerie.

Identify influences of Greek and Roman theatre, discussed in class, that you find in Eugene O’Neill’s Desire under the Elms and Tennessee Williams’ The Glass Menagerie. Do not just look at the obvious; strive to really consider what you learned, and apply that to a critical analysis of Greek and Roman influence on these plays. […]

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