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Share your personal experience on how the influence of a special interest group (SIG) contributed to a health care policy in the United States that impacted you or someone you know for this healthcare issue.

Special Interest group influence Share your personal experience on how the influence of a special interest group (SIG) contributed to a health care policy in the United States that impacted you or someone you know for this healthcare issue. If there is none, then visualize a particular healthcare policy for you or someone you know […]

Discuss how that country’s health care policy would be a good policy moving forward in the United States

Read: McLaughlin and McLaughlin: Chapters 2 – 3 Watch: The Economics of Healthcare. Looking at Case Study 3, “International Comparisons: Where else might we go” at the end of Chapter 3, choose 1 country listed in the case study and discuss how that country’s health care policy would be a good policy moving forward in […]

What is a public policy meeting?Create a post seeking approval for your public policy meeting. Choose a meeting to view or attend. It must be a public policy body at work and related to health care.

Public Policy Meeting Approval What is a public policy meeting? Create a post seeking approval for your public policy meeting. Choose a meeting to view or attend. It must be a public policy body at work and related to health care. If it is a recorded meeting,  make sure it has been posted within the […]

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