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Define leading health indicators • Define social determinants of health • Describe the difference between the two.

Question #1 In your own words: • Define leading health indicators • Define social determinants of health • Describe the difference between the two Question #2 Summarize the article. Explain which social determinants of health are identified as well as the programs that are identified that address these social determinants. Explain how the social determinants […]

Evaluate educational session outcomes in terms of progress made toward Healthy People 2020 goals and leading health indicators.***What changes would you recommend to better align the session with Healthy People 2020 goals and leading health indicators?

*Prepare a 10–12 slide PowerPoint presentation with a voice-over and detailed speaker notes that reflects your hypothetical presentation. This presentation is the implementation of the plan you created in Assessment 1. *The speaker notes should be a transcript of the voice-over. *Simulate the hypothetical face-to-face educational session addressing the health concern and health goals of […]

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