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Identify at least four pros and four cons for each method. Refer to Table 4.1 (Chapter 4, Page 96) for additional guidance. Identify at any facts or circumstances that, had they been present or changed, would have altered your chosen answer.

Instructions: Write a four-page (minimum) paper comparing and contrasting the three available methods to resolve the dispute: (1) litigation, (2) arbitration/mediation, (3) informal settlement or business re-negotiation. Provide a definition and explanation of the dispute resolution process involved as well as the pros and cons of selecting that method. Identify at least four pros and […]

Conduct independent research, and find at least 5 different examples of surveys used by local police agencies. Compare each of the surveys, finding your favorite and least favorite survey.

As you discussed in this unit’s Discussion Board, survey research is one of the most common ways of collecting data. However, not all survey research is created equal. In this activity, your task is to collect at least 5 different examples of surveys used by local police agencies. Using these examples, write a 4-page report […]

Explain why these questions reflect best practices. Find at least 3 questions from the survey that you believe have value in public safety.

Survey research is still one of the most common ways to collect data in the public safety system. In this discussion, you will explore the World Values Survey (WVS). Discuss the range of questions asked on the WVS, explore how and why questions are worded in specific ways, and find questions that have value in […]

What are the specifications of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) and its exemptions for religious employers?

Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc., 573 U.S. 682 (2014) Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc., is a case in which it was decided if for-profit corporations, under the Affordable Care Act, were required to provide their employees with contraceptive health care that went against their religious beliefs. I find this case interesting because it […]

Define and explain the theories and traps you are utilizing. Apply the theories and traps to analyze the ethics of the one specific practice you are focusing on.

Analytical Paper: Ethics After reading Chapter 2 of the textbook, watch the 2019 feature film, Dark Waters, directed by Todd Haynes, and starring Mark Ruffalo and Anne Hathaway. Plan ahead to ensure you have time to view the film at least once before beginning your paper. Essay Prompt: There are numerous examples of ethically ambiguous […]

Clearly describe your chosen theme (topic*) and how it particularly impacts upon young people; (6 slides) eg. Depression, Anxiety, etc

Assessment 3: Presentation OVERVIEW In this class you have examined a number of major themes (topics) that largely make up Dual Diagnosis. You have also considered how two of these themes (topics), that is a mental illness and an alcohol or substance use addiction, impact upon each other to create more complex and challenging support needs, […]

Complete STR results are obtained from the far left stain and the upper right stain, but not from the center of the large stain. Why?

Consider the following photograph. This shirt was recovered from a murder suspect’s basement. It has been packaged in paper by the lead investigator and is in this condition when received at the laboratory. The DNA analyst chooses 3 samples, as delineated by the arrows: one from the stain to the far left, one from the […]

What type of colors are used in the work? Bright? Dull? Complimentary? Does the artist use colors to draw your attention to specific areas of the work? How? If a sculpture, examine the color(s) of the medium and how it affects the work.

Select a single work of art that was produced between the years 1800 and 1940. The object you can choose to write about does not have to have been made by an artist we looked at in class, and you are free to select an object from any culture (i.e., “Western” or Non-Western). Ideally, this […]

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