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Discuss prescribing Nitrofurantoin for a non pregnant female with an uncomplicated urinary tract infection.

To critically analyse the below papers to justify prescribing Nitrofurantoin for a non pregnant female with an uncomplicated urinary tract infection. https://academic.oup.com/jac/article/70/4/1076/800636#13926856 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1198743X20301439#sec5

Provide a rationale for the product prescribed within that consultation, drawing on clinical and evidence-based literature which justifies your choice of product. Nitrofurantoin was prescribed for a non pregnant 41 year old female.

The essay (2000 words) requires you to provide a rationale for the product prescribed within that consultation, drawing on clinical and evidence-based literature which justifies your choice of product. Nitrofurantoin was prescribed for a non pregnant 41 year old female.

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