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How might you go about encouraging participants and others to work together to advance the proposed plan?

How can you ensure that participants believe they have equal status in discussions, and feel their views are heard? How might you go about encouraging participants and others to work together to advance the proposed plan? the common good. How can you ensure participants maintain confidence that they have had any meaningful influence — before, […]

Do university students undertaking first year psychology show similar scores on a measure of depression, anxiety and stress compared to control participants?

1. Do university students undertaking first year psychology show similar scores on a measure of depression, anxiety and stress compared to control participants? 2. Does participation in eight sessions of a brief mindfulness exercise effect depression, anxiety and stress scores in university students undertaking first year psychology?

List the confounding domains relevant to all or most studies. List co-interventions that could be different between intervention groups and that could impact on outcomes.

Quality assessment of study At protocol stage Specify the review question Participants Experimental intervention Comparator Outcomes List the confounding domains relevant to all or most studies. List co-interventions that could be different between intervention groups and that could impact on outcomes.

Identify any specific ethical issues relating to this research, for example if your research involves vulnerable groups like young children, or pupils who have SEND .

Use the following headings to describe and discuss how you intend to deal with ethical issues in relation to your research. You should consult the relevant version of the BERA guidelines and any university guidelines to help you to do this. Acknowledge how you propose to address the issues if your research or part of […]

How applicable was the study conducted? For example, how will the study’s findings be relevant in your future career as an educator?Did the authors describe any future research as a result of the current findings?

The review should begin with an introduction of the article. Next, you should concisely summarize the article. Consider answering the following questions when writing the summary: (1) What is the major research question addressed by the authors?, (2) Are the authors testing a particular theory or hypothesis? If so, describe the theory., (3) Who were […]

Describe your IV and how you operationalize it. Explain how you will manipulate this variable.Describe your DV, how you operationalize it, and how you will measure outcomes on your DV.

Provide detailed information regarding: 1. Instructions to participants. Describe the EXACT instructions you will use. If you make use of deception or a cover story, describe this. 2. Independent variable(s). Describe your IV and how you operationalize it. Explain how you will manipulate this variable. 3. Dependent variable. Describe your DV, how you operationalize it, […]

Why is your study important/why does it require a qualitative approach?Describe your sample e.g. how you selected and recruited your sample and what criteria you used.

which perceived social support system, defined as academic, family and peer support, holds the most weight when considering academic achievement Overview of the Study Describe the aim of your study Why is your study important/why does it require a qualitative approach? Your key research question 4. Research design and methods (3-4 PAGES) A. Overview the […]

What is the context for the research question, and what do we already know? based on this background, what do you expect to happen in your experiment? Who will take part in the research?

Is buying “green” (environmentally-friendly) products driven by status motives? What is the context for the research question, and what do we already know? based on this background, what do you expect to happen in your experiment? Who will take part in the research? What kind of tests will be administered, and how do they work? […]

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